Educational images covering subjects such as Bushcraft, Tracking and Survival.

01D-9342 Tree Damage Caused by Rabbits Gnawing the Bark During an Extended Period of Harsh Winter Weather

02D-9780 Using a Fire Steel and Birch Bark to Create Fire in a Woodland Environment in Winter Snow

02D-9681 Close Up of Rabbit Footprints in Snow. Direction of travel towards camera

02D-9722 Tracking Sign of a Hole Under a Fence

03D-7850 Rabbit Pawprints With Imprint of its Bottom Left by a Rabbit Drinking from a Stream

03D-7514 Remains of Unripe Acorns at a Grey Squirrel Feeding Site UK

09-6567 Using a Fire Steel to Ignite Feather Sticks to Create Fire

09-6583 Carving a Feather Stick to Aid Fire Starting When Using Wet Wood in a Survival or Bushcraft Situation

I02D-9863a Bird Wing and Body Imprint of a Jackdaw in Snow

04D-1010 Hazelnut Which has been Gnawed by a Mammal sSuch as a Wood Mouse or Vole.

06D-4657 Predated Remains of a Common Frog Rana temporaria.

06D-5098 Otter Lutra lutra Spraint Teesdale

06D-5164 Otter Lutra lutra paw print in Mud Teesdale