
03D-7476 Acorn From the Pedunculate English Oak Quercus robur Tree Laying on Moss

03D-7930 Oak Trees With Mist Rising from the Ground in Autumn

03D-8574 Silver Birch Tree with Roosting Birds and Misty Autumn Sunrise Cropston Reservoir Leicestershire UK

Backlit Autumn Leaf (Turkey Oak) Showing Colour Change from the Green Colour Produced by Chlorophyll to the Yellow and Orange Pigments of Xanthophylls and Beta-Carotene.

04D-3686 Sprouting Acorn From a Pedunculate Oak Tree Quercus robur

05D-4686 Woodland Trees Abstract.

05D-7828 Mixed Woodland Containing Deciduous and None Deciduous Pine Trees in Autumn UK

05D-7838 Beech Fagus sylvatica Leaves Catching the Morning Sun in Autumn Near Bowlees in Upper Teesdale County Durham

05D-8176 Ferns (possibly Male Fern Dryopteris felix-mas) Growing Beside Woodland Stream Teesdale County Durham UK

06D-5314 Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus Leaves Illuminated by Early Morning Spring Sunshine UK.

01M-1386 Sycamore Leaf Acer pseudoplantus

01M-1690 Autumn Leaf on Fungi UK.

01M-2979 Woodland in Early Morning Light Teesdale County Durham UK

06D-8323 Oak Apple Gall Produced as a Reaction to Egg Laying by the Gall Wasp Biorhiza pallida UK

06D-6312 Acorn from the Pedunculate Oak (English Oak) Tree Quercus robur Laying on a Moss Covered Woodland Floor England UK

Early Autumn Woodland, Ariege, Pyrenees, France

Embracing Trees, Teesdale, County Durham, UK

07-3741 Autumn Light and Mist in Birch Woodland Teesdale County Durham

5707 Silver Birch in Dawn Light, English Lake District

9855 Weathered tree growth rings.
 on Moss_thumb.jpg)
0106 Autumn Sycamore Leaf (Acerpseudoplatanus) on Moss
0321 Backlit Sycamore Leaf (Acer pseudoplatanus)
0538 Frost on Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) leaf

0984 Frost Coated Sapling with Frozen Spiders Webs.

1010 Frost Coated Leaves.
06-0552 Sessile Oak (Quercus Petrae) Leaf in Autumn Colours
06-8320 Rowan Tree Berries (Sorbus aucuparia)

06-8875 Robin's Pincushon Gall on Dog Rose Caused by Gall Wasp (Diplopepis rosae)